Thank you Bewdley.

Sant's tour of Bewdley in 2023 is now over.

Thank you to everyone that came out to see us this year - your support really does make a difference.


Where did Santa visit this year? (Routes for each day are below)

  • Friday 8th December (Approx running time: 4:30pm to 8pm)
  • Sunday 10th December (Approx running time: 4:30pm to 8pm)
  • Tuesday 12th December (Approx running time: 4:30pm to 8pm)

How to see Santa: If your road (or local area) is on any of the routes below, we will be coming around to add signage to your street signs, letting you know what day Santa will be visiting.

As we bring Santa around your local area, we will ring one of Santa's special bells to let you know we're on our way. You can then come to your doors, windows or roadside to wave and cheer - if you have been especially good this year, Santa may even send you one of his special "Ho, Ho, Ho's" in appreciation!

How to Donate:

  • On this website
  • With Cash or coins on the night
  • By scanning one of Santa's new QR codes on road signs or sleigh
  • Contactless with your card on Santa's new card reader or brand new for 2023, via one of his Elves' special iPhones!

As with previous years, you can also donate cash in the form of coins or notes via one of our street collectors. You can now also donate via this website or even via cash or credit card as we drive by (for any amount you choose) - Just shout and we will bring Santa's new card reader or one of his Elves new iPhones to you.

You can also scan one of the QR codes printed on Santas Sleigh or on-the-road signs we put up, to make your donation.


Friday 8th December (Approx running time: 4:30pm to 8pm)


Sunday 10th December (Approx running time: 4:30pm to 8pm)


Tuesday 12th December (Approx running time: 4:30pm to 8pm)

Please note: All routes are for information only. Traffic, parked vehicles, access restrictions and many other variables, may mean we can’t bring Santa to every street - but we’ll try.

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