Did you know, 100% of all donations received are set aside to support our work in the local community and other good causes in our local area?

Your donation is not used to support any of our operational costs, and every single penny is set aside to support good causes. Here's one recent example where the money raised from your previous donations, has helped us make a difference:

Stourport Garden Fire: July 2022

In the early hours on the hottest day of the year, arsonists (later caught) set alight a pensioners garden. The fire was ferocious, melting the plastic facades and guttering of the house and cracking windows from the heat - a very scary experience for the 90yr old homeowner, who had to be evacuated for her safety by passers-by.

Seeing the devastation, we reached out to offer our support to remove the burnt trees, roots and debris and make good the ground.

With the trees cut down work to remove the roots got underway.

36 hours later, we were done, and the new fencing could go in:

All costs associated with the dig out; mini-digger hire, tool and skip hire and removal were all covered by the Wyre Forest RoundTable, using funds donated from previous Santa Donations. So a big thank you for your ongoing support.

The Shuttle also ran an article: https://www.kidderminstershuttle.co.uk/news/23039134.community-support-restored-pensioners-faith-humanity-stourport-arson/

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